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Succeeding in Graduate School

These resources are geared towards graduate students, but provide useful information for all students.

Succeeding in Graduate School


These resources will help you succeed in graduate school:


Successful Management:

Managing your time is critical for success in graduate school; these resources are designed to help you manage your time:

Reading lots, lots, and lots of scholarly literature is required in graduate school; these resources (videos) are designed to show you how to read faster:

Why Grad School?

"Here is the only good reason to go to grad school. I am intellectually curious about a particular academic topic; I enjoy reading, thinking, writing, and researching about this topic and my motivation for studying this topic comes entirely from within. I understand that in order to gain further expertise in my chosen topic, I need to pursue a post-graduate degree. I hope to use this degree in order to land a job in an academic or applied environment that takes advantage of my expertise." 

(Adapted from Dr. Richard Lawler's "So You Want to Go to Grad School")