Do you need help finding a job during your time at Hallmark University or as you consider working post-graduation? We support the professional development of all students through various workshops, one-on-one advising appointments, and small group sessions. Please feel free to contact our career services advisors for assistance anytime.
Talk with Career Services!
Department Director
Damita Nunally, MBA, HRM
Director of Career Services and Industry Relations
Resume Building Career Goals & Planning Network Essentials
Job Portfolio Development Job Search Assistance
Interviewing Tips and Practice LinkedIn Review and Guidance
CheckPoints, New Starts, Mid-Point Benchmarking, and Final Capstone
Department Email:
We are a team dedicated to helping you gain employment in your
chosen field of study.
Our Career Services team diligently works to assist the student in securing employment after graduation with a department goal of
90% placement within 90 days after graduation.
Students receive job search assistance, resume writing, and other support services to prepare them for their careers. Students and alumni are eligible for assistance from the moment they step on the campus and will remain eligible for continued assistance
after graduation.