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A Quick Overview


Plagiarism happens when you borrow another person's words or ideas

and do not give them credit for their words or ideas.  

Plagiarism is a severe offense.
If you plagiarize -- deliberately or inadvertently -- you could face serious consequences!

The easiest way to stop plagiarism is to cite your sources in the body of your paper (in-text citation) and give credit in a bibliography of sources (reference list) used at the end of your paper.  

Common types of plagiarism include paraphrasing (rephrasing without citing), direct (copy and paste), complete (taking credit for someone else's entire work), self (reusing your own work without citing), source-based (incorrect citing or making up a source), patchwork (your work interwoven with someone else's work), and accidental (forgetting to cite).   

Hallmark University offers Grammarly Premium as a means to prevent these mistakes. Instructors and students can quickly check for grammatical errors and plagiarism. Grammarly can also offer auto-citations from online sources to help with your writing process.

Email the Hallmark University Librarian to receive Grammarly, and an invite will be sent to your Hallmark University email. (Check your spam folder if you cannot find it.) Then, follow the instructions in the invite and start writing with confidence today. Ask your instructor for clarification, or contact the librarian if you need additional assistance. 

Based upon its philosophy of education, Hallmark University is strongly committed to academic excellence, honesty, and personal integrity. Students are expected to do their own work and to receive no unauthorized assistance during quizzes, examinations, papers, assigned projects, etc. Hallmark University expects all students to maintain a high standard of ethics in the area of academics. Any form of academic dishonesty is considered a serious matter as it is a violation of the trust upon which an academic community depends.


Plagiarism Tutorial