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Presentation Resources

Tools, Resources, and guides to help you create better presentations.

Hallmark University APA Standards for Pictures and Presentations


Ensure slides are clear, concise, easy to read, and cover all requirements for the assignment. The title page must contain the same information as a title page for a paper. See above for specific information required. The slides that make up the body of the paper can be formatted as is appropriate for the assignment. If a picture or citation source is used, cite in the same method as in a paper. A reference page is a final slide for any research-based presentation. It would be set up in APA style. the word Reference would be bolded and centered as the title of the slide. The font size will depend on how many references are used. Two slides may be necessary depending on the number of references. See the assignment rubric for more information on grading.

Pictures for a Presentation

Cite all pictures used by putting the photo’s creator and the year of creation under the picture. Here is an example of how to cite a photo in-text:

A picture containing shape

Description automatically generated

(Farias, 2020)

For the reference page: Farias, B. (2020). Dog and Cat [Icon]. The Noun Project.

If stock images from Microsoft Word or PowerPoint are used, no citation is needed. Several websites offer free images students can use:,,,, are some options. If you use Google Images, limit the results to copyright-free images by adjusting the Usage Rights on the Tools button under the search bar.  Choose the Creative Commons licenses option. Click on the picture to be used until you find the publishing information. 

If you need any assistance finding or citing pictures, please connect with the Director of Library Resources at, or call at 210-969-7508. Provide at least 48 hours before the assignment is due for assistance.

The preferred citation format among business, social sciences, health, and education disciplines is APA style. The American Psychological Association publishes the official guide, with the 7th edition being the latest version—the official handbook for APA style. 

APA Style and Grammar Guideline 

APA Style | Student Title Page Guide [PDF]

APA Style | Reference Quick Guide [PDF]

APA Style | Heading Levels Template: Student Paper [PDF]

APA Style | Annotated Sample Student Paper [PDF]

The Online Library Tutorial is a digital resource designed to help users effectively navigate and utilize the library's services and collections. Click on the tab above to access the tutorial.



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