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Academic Writing

For help with writing, research, bibliographies, and formatting.

Hallmark University Academic Honesty Policy

Based on its philosophy of education, Hallmark University is strongly committed to academic excellence, honesty, and personal integrity. Students are expected to do their own work and to receive no unauthorized assistance during quizzes, examinations, papers, assigned projects, etc. Hallmark University expects all students to maintain a high standard of ethics in the area of academics. Any form of academic dishonesty is considered a serious matter as it is a violation of the trust upon which an academic community depends.
Academic Dishonesty is a violation of the Professional Code of Conduct and includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Cheating on tests, examinations, or other class/laboratory work.
  2. Plagiarism - The appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. Students can avoid the risk of plagiarism in written work or oral presentations by clearly indicating the source of any idea or wording they did not produce through internal citations and a Reference page. Sources must be given regardless of whether the idea, phrase, or other material is quoted directly, paraphrased, or summarized in the student writer’s own words. Direct quotes must always be placed in quotation marks in addition to the required citation information.
  3. Collusion - The unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing coursework or research papers offered for credit.
  4. Receiving, Using or Having Access to Unauthorized Aid - Using unauthorized notes, technology or other study aids during an examination; improper storage of prohibited notes, course materials and study aids during an exam such that they are accessible or possible to view; looking at other students’ work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; attempting to communicate with other students in order to get help during an exam or on an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; obtaining an examination prior to its administration; altering graded work and submitting it for re-grading; allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting it as one’s own; submitting work done in class taken without the instructor’s permission; submitting work done in a prior term without the instructor’s permission when the student is retaking that course; obstructing or interfering with an another student’s academic work; undertaking any activity intended to obtain an unfair advantage over other students.
  5. Giving Unauthorized Aid - Aiding another person in an act that violates the standards of academic honesty. Examples include allowing other students to look at one’s own work during an exam or on an assignment where collaboration is not allowed; unauthorized editing or revising of another student’s work; providing information, material, or assistance to another person in a form that is likely to be used in violation of course, departmental, or college academic honesty policies; failing to take reasonable measures to protect one’s work from copying by others.
  6. Misuse of a Student’s Username and Password - The username given to students and the password they set authorize student access to course materials through Canvas or other password-protected sites. Students are responsible for protecting their access to these materials, many copyrighted materials.