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ProQuest One Academic

Quick Overview

ProQuest One Academic

ProQuest One Academic is a vast database that provides access to a wide range of academic resources, including scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and dissertations.  ProQuest One Academic is a powerful tool for academic research, enabling students, researchers, and faculty to access reputable and up-to-date scholarly content for their academic pursuits.

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How to access ProQuest One Academic:

Visit the ProQuest One Academic platform through your institution's library or by directly accessing the website.

Go to Hallmark University Library Page, Library - Hallmark Universitythen find the "Select Databases" tab, Hallmark University Databases and Resources, next look in the lefthand column and scroll down until you find ProQuest One Academic, click on ProQuest One Academic.

How to use ProQuest One Academic:

Once you're logged in, you will typically see a search bar or an advanced search interface. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the available search options and features.

Enter your research topic or keywords into the search bar. You can use quotation marks ("") to search for specific phrases, and use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine or exclude terms for more precise results.

You can apply filters to narrow down your results to save you time. Common filters include publication date, subject area, language, document type, and more.

Browse through the search results and review the titles, abstracts, and other available information to determine the relevance of each item. Pay attention to the citation details, such as the author, publication, and date.

Click on the title or full-text link of a desired article to access the complete document. If the full text is not available directly, look for options like PDF downloads, HTML versions, or links to external sources where the article may be hosted.

Use the tools provided by ProQuest One Academic to save articles for later, print them, or export them, depending upon your needs.

Take advantage of the related articles or recommended readings sections that may appear alongside each article. These can provide additional sources that are closely related to your research topic.

When using information from ProQuest One Academic in your research, be sure to properly cite your sources using the appropriate citation style which is APA 7th edition for Hallmark University courses. Remember to look for the cite tab whenever it is available, make sure you check your results for accuracy. 

Always use your Grammarly Premium editor to check your written work for plagiarism.

If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, contact your librarian.


Source: ProQuest One Academic