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APA Style, 7th Edition

The APA Style 7th Edition guide serves to provide APA support starting January 2020

About APA

The APA citation style is used primarily in the business, social sciences, health, and education fields as well as all of our classes at Hallmark. The American Psychological Association publishes the official guide:

Image of the ALA 7th Edition StyleGuide

There are several copies available in the learning center for students to use on campus, and additional copies are available from the academic assistant for instructors.


In addition to this guide, there are several resources available online to help you with APA.

APA Style | Style and Grammar Guidelines

APA Style | Student Title Page Guide [PDF]

APA Style | Reference Quick Guide [PDF]

APA Style | Heading Levels Template: Student Paper [PDF]

APA Style | Annotated Sample Student Paper [PDF]

External Resources

APA - Style and Grammar Guidelines - 

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) APA Style and Format Guide -

APA Format Citation Guide Mendeley -